...the nature is not just a place
to visit.
It´s the home.
-treemuseum, paraguay-
Welcome to the Institute of natural living
...nature has a solution for everything!
Does nature really have a solution for everything?
Yes, of course!! … WE ARE NATURE!!
DoPyooR provides answers for a sustainable, holistic and natural living, for this purpose DoPyooR is looking for sufficiency solutions for all areas of life. Feel invited on a journey to the insights of nature for a balanced and harmonious life in everyday life…
On this page we deal with life in general, in particular and of course in itself….. of body, mind and soul healing for well-being, natural events to experience, natural building for healthy living and working to many practical tips in everyday life taking into account sensible use of natural resources.
Coaching Natural Living
For those interested, we offer a coaching as an introduction to natural living. We are happy to advise you on the way to a healthier, happier and more energetic life!
….one of the most important parts of natural living:
How to build a natural building and what does it means?
building selection,
construction methods, concepts
natural building materials
New: Desing, Construction and Building biologie Advices
Do you need advice on natural building or building renovation? Do you have problems with moisture or mold in your house?
DoPyooR is currently under construction with a lot of enthusiasm and energy is growing daily, we are currently working on the following nature topics for you. Subscribe to the newsletter to stay up to date.
.... the following is in progress, soon these parts can be used with exciting energy and enthusiasm.

healthy Housing
What does it take for a healthy indoor climate?
…comming soon
healthy materials
light energy
comfortable atmospheres

Natural Nutrition
how to get and grow nutritious and aromatic food?
…comming soon
was ist nahrhafte Nahrung – Basische Ernährung,

herbalism & medicinal plants
What does it take to live a healthy life with natural healing?
…comming soon
medicinal plants,
plants, plants, plants

everyday_Items and Specials
Here you will find useful things for everyday life and exciting special solutions made by nature!
…comming soon
natural care,
useful items,
technical tools
Why DoPyooR?
We at DoPyooR have been dealing with the topic of sustainability and its integration into everyday life for years. DoPyooR sees itself as an interface in the transfer of knowledge and experience on various topics that affect us all. This platform is an open space for nature!
Our earth provides solutions for everything and gives us wonderful solutions for most everyday needs and for many necessities of life. DoPyooR is about sharing for solution oriented natural issues that affect everyone. In a world where a large number of everyday objects or services come from the technical and digital sector.
We look at everything holistically and of course include technical/digital solutions in our considerations, but we look further outside the box to find harmonious solutions for body, mind and soul, which have a very high demand on the balance to be maintained with nature. The complete process of creation for products or in projects is very important to us. (->grey energie)
DoPyooR follows this path with enthusiasm and the loving respect in dealing with nature.
The loving respectful and communal treatment of nature and everything natural has a high importance for us on a material as well as on a mental level.
Let us together smell, taste, feel and enjoy the world again with all our senses in a rich natural way.
Let’s experience together the most beautiful human journey and get enthusiastic about the peculiarities that are the normal in original and elicit from our earth many more wonderful things and knowledge treasures for physically and mentally filled and balanced life.
DoPyooR offers many natural approaches and looks forward to a pronounced exchange of theory and practice, in the mental as in the tangible areas of life.
DoPyooR offers a space to simplify your life.
News! DoPyooR cooperates with WILDPACK:

News September 2022:
Advance notice:
The two natural labels Equilibrio and DoPyooR have joined forces for workshops, naturally made products and natural knowledge. Together Equilibrio and DoPyooR run for WILDPACK. On the platform WILDPACK you can book outdoor survival camp courses, clay building courses or you will find simple things for everyday life, you can ask nature knowledge and educate yourself in the field of natural living and you can browse through our joint product range. Have a look!!
Currently we are completing the platform and add the offer continuously, if you have any questions please contact us ->contact
Just do it simple, do it pure.